Gypsy Rose Printable Paper Doll

Oh, my poor neglected blog. The real world has been very busy (and I was really really ill), and so I don’t think I’ve pulled out my pens in a long time. Fortunately, I had some time last night and I got some work done. It seems a pity April has come and gone so fast.


{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for the rest of this series}

The challenge with mix and match pieces is not to repeat myself too often. I tend to draw the same sorts of things a lot. I realized I was drawing yet another pair of ankle boots and I made myself stop, though not soon enough to not have them in this set. I love shoes in the real world, but I hate drawing them for paper dolls. They never seem to come out right. So, I’ve been trying, also, to do more fantasy and I think these are pretty darn fantasy. but I had fun coloring and drawing them and that is the important bit.

This is not the most coherent post ever, so just enjoy the pretty paper doll. 🙂

Edit: This paper doll is now available in black and white for color. Exciting, no? 🙂

3 thoughts on “Gypsy Rose Printable Paper Doll”

  1. I’m glad you’re feeling better =) It really sucks being sick, and it seems like this spring flu has been attacking people all over the place and wiping them out for at least a week. Thanks for the pretty dolls ^^

  2. I’m glad you are feeling better!!!! You were missed. and Wow! This doll is just…. amazing! I saw the name and got excited… and the image lived up to it!

  3. Thanks a lot. My oldest daughter (almost 11) is getting interested in drawing clothes on fashion models. Maybe she will like these too. Many greetings from Belgium !

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