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So, I haven’t died. I promise.
My friend says to me: You know, if your blog were a child, Social Services would have been called by now.
And I said: If my blog was a child, there would be other more serious concerns.
And she said: Update your damn blog.
And I said: Meh.
And then about a week passed. And here we are. With a blog update. Proving to my mother, who gets concerned about me, that I am, in fact, not dead.
PS: The colors got messed up when I saved it into a web format, so I recommend downloading it.
Oh, my goodness! I am so happy to see you back. I was really starting to worry
that something awful might have happened to you. Marisole the Pirate is lovely.
Thanks so much! 🙂
Glad to see you back again! Love the detail on the red jacket and the little ripped edge on the tunic…
I’ve been hearing a bit of complaining lately too… But I have a lot of time this month, and I think I might be wearing off my Japanese kick just enough to do a little paperdolling too. Anyways, I sketched out a May birthday dress: http://twitpic.com/1kswp8 We’ll see if I can pull it off though, I’m rusty ^^;; Here’s to good luck for us, and lots of paperdolling!
As a May birthday girl myself, I should hope you finish your May dress. 🙂 And it’s cool to see what your thumbnails look like. Mine look a bit like that, only without color notes. I should do color notes… it would make coloring Marisole way easier.
Finished it! I’ll even get it up tonight. Thanks for the encouragement. ^^ Of course, now all the other months are going to have words with me…
It’s okay. You can just tell them you love me best. 🙂