
Hello all-

So, sometimes one does things and then is left with the impression that- Wow, that was not such a hot idea…

Back in July, I tried to update the blog from WordPress 2.7.1 to 2.8. The result was the loss of massive files, deletion of part of the site and a full crash. Fortunately, that time I was able to successfully resurrect the blog from the ashes.

I really should have learned my lesson.

There is, as usual, good news and bad news. The good news is that all of the image files remain safely on my external hard drive. The bad news is that all of the other site content has gone wherever good sites go when they die. Maybe someday I’ll be able to return it from the dead, but until then, it’s going to stay dead.

What does this mean for the future? Well, the blog isn’t over. I have had a lot of fun with it over the past year and I’m not about to give it up. I am trying to see this event in a bad light, but rather as an opportunity to try something new.

For the moment, there’s not much here. But hopefully by the end of January, the blog will be back up and running smoothly. Feel free to leave any comments or thoughts you might have. Things will be rough around here until I get everything back sorted, but I have faith it’ll work out.

Also, I’ll just never update my WordPress version ever ever again.

