Astro Allure in a Different Color Scheme for my Patrons

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In case you missed it, earlier this week, I shared the blue version of this paper doll with her mostly black and white wardrobe.

When I was working on a color scheme for this paper doll, I kept thinking about how I wanted to try a second color scheme. I was having way to much fun playing around with colors. Inspired by the chilly weather outside, I decided to experiment with warm and cheerful colors. Thus, the second iteration emerged, bathed in shades of pinks and yellows. These colors, reminiscent of spring and summer, hopefully bring a sense of summery happiness, especially in contrast to the dark chilly winter nights I’m currently experiencing.

I really love pink.

One subtle is that all the black on this set isn’t actually black- it’s a very dark gray with a pink tinge. So, that was an attempt to tie the whole thing together.

By the way, I really want to express how much I appreciate all of you who have supported this creative journey. Thank you for being a part of this adventure, especially since right now things are sort of unknown.

Additionally, I think I somehow messed something up on Patreon by pausing things in January, so… I likely won’t be doing that again! Meanwhile, we’ll triage along best we can!

Astro Allure: An Alien in Blue

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Yes, it is another one of the alien paper dolls! This is the last of the alien paper doll cut outs I’ve got ready. I think for the moment I am over aliens, but I sure did have a lot of fun drawing them for a while.

When I was working on my alien paper dolls, I knew I wanted one to feel very feminine in her clothing. So, I designed a lot of baby doll style dresses for her. I was influenced a lot by this older paper doll, David Koma’s Winter 2014 Collection, and a dash of retro-futurism. So, an eclectic collection of influences there.

Beyond acknowledging the fun I had drawing all of these pieces, I want to emphasize how mix and match the whole little aliens series is. Some of these pieces would go great with Galaxy Glamour, Interstellar Seas, or Stardust Styles.

While today’s paper doll’s color scheme is very monochromatic, I actually went through a few different color schemes. So, there’s a second color scheme for today’s paper doll and I’ll share that one later this week for my Patrons (you can join us here).

Warmest Wishes: A Cozy Winter Paper Doll

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When I was designing this winter paper doll, I wanted her to have glasses (because I hadn’t done any Ensemble Eclectica dolls with glasses yet) and I wanted her to feel distinctly different from my other winter paper doll in pastels. I also wanted to make sure things could layer well, because on thing about winter clothing is that layering is critical.

I basically live in layers in the winter- lots of long underwear, lots of socks. So, everyone I know has at least two parkas, sometimes more. I have my “wet weather” set up- which is a fleece under a raincoat. I have my light weight parka, which I wear until it gets below -10 and then I have my heavy parka, which I bust out for colder weather. If I end up needing it, I also have a variety of layering pieces I can add- wool and silk long underwear and heavy socks.

But up here in my part of Alaska, this winter has been weirdly mild, until this week when it’s finally dropped down to -30 where it should be this time of year. Since it’s been above 10 degrees several days this January, which is not normal, everyone is sort of relieved to get some actual winter. I actually busted out my big parka, finally. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised- climate change- but I don’t love the increase of snow. Usually, it’s too cold to snow here and the roads stay pretty dry and easy to drive on. I’m not a snow lover, even if I don’t mind the cold.

Anyway, I do try to match my paper dolls to the seasons, but this is hard, because it can take me a long time to finish things. Working digitally has sped me up a bit, but I’m still someone who tends to ink a bunch and then color and bunch and then do layout and then… etc.

Do you have a favorite season? Let me know in a comment. Despite the cold, I really don’t mind winter. However, I think autumn is my favorite.

Vivian’s December Opera & Dinner Dress

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Interstellar Seas: A Cute Alien Fashionista

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Today’s paper doll is a super cute alien with a sort of underwater theme. I mean, if I am going to draw space creature paper dolls, I think I should at least give them a fancy wardrove of mix and match clothing, right? Right. I mean, space creatures want to look cute, too.

I’m assuming that a desire to “look cute” comes with a sentience, which might be a pretty big assumption on my part. (Unrelated, but am I the only person who learned the term sentience from watching Star Trek as a kid?)

Other thoughts about today’s paper doll: One of her outfits was inspired by this outfit for Marisole Monday, also my sci-fi Pinterest fashion board always inspires these dolls. The color scheme was supposed to be “galaxy” meets “ocean”, but like… not convinced it works. When I was a teen, I really liked the character Oasis from Sluggy Freelance and that’s probably where my thing for multiple ponytails (pigtails?) came from.

I caught some sort of post-Thanksgiving bug which turned into bacteria pneumonia. So, then I ended up on a cocktail of antibiotics and all the side effects of those were super fun. Anyway, long story short- I am at like 80% capacity at the moment. However, I am looking at a week off work for the holidays (the Uni I work at closes) and therefore I am super psyched for this week to be over.

Going to draw lots, pet my cat, and maybe sew something. Super psyched to have a whole week off!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely holiday and enjoys this second little space alien paper doll. There will be two more I think… yeah, two more.

Hanukkah Paper Dolls: The Eighth Night

Hanukkah Paper Doll Templates with menorahs for the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.

Download Black and White PDF | Download All Eight Pages as One PDF | The Other Days of the Hanukkah Series

Happy eighth night of Hanukkah and our paper dolls have many menorahs to show off, all shining brightly.

I wanted to make it super easy to download these Hanukkah paper dolls, so I added a link to a full 8 page PDF of the whole set that you can grab.

Today, let’s talk about menorahs. A Hanukkah menorah, also known as a hanukkiah, is a special nine-branched candle holder. Out of the nine lights, eight represent the nights of the holiday. Every night, an additional light is lit compared to the previous one. By the last night, all eight branches are shining brightly.

The ninth light is called the shamash (“helper”), which is used in some traditions to light the other eight. The purpose of the shamash is to adhere to the prohibition, specified in the Talmud, against using the Hanukkah lights for anything other than showing and thinking about the Hanukkah miracle. So, the shamash is available to do the work of lighting the other lights and give light if needed.

Except in times when antisemitism is so high that it would be dangerous to do so, menorahs are typically placed in windows, visible from the street. I like to position mine where I can keep an eye on it and ensure my cat doesn’t get too close. She tends to get closer than I would like to candles.

If you have more questions about Hanukkah, Chabad has a handy Hanukkah FAQ.

I wanted to draw three different styles of menorah, because they can look like all sorts of different things. I like this dinosaur one, myself.

This is the end of this series for Hanukkah 2023! I’ve been wanting to do a Hanukkah series for years, so I am happy I finally buckled down and got it done.

Hanukkah Paper Dolls: Seventh Night

A printable Hanukkah paper doll coloring page with a menorah, jelly donuts, and two outfits.  Holiday-themed Jewish paper doll coloring pages for kids.

Download Black and White PDF | The Other Days of the Hanukkah Series

Happy Hanukkah Night 7!

Continuing the theme of food for Hannukah, I had originally planned to feature challah here. Hanukkah was the only time of year other than Rosh Hashanah that I recall my mom making challah. Challah is more of a Sabbath than a Hanukkah thing, of course. I’m not trying to draw universal Holiday-themed Jewish paper doll coloring pages. I’m trying to draw ones that reflect, to some degree, my childhood memories of this Jewish holiday- Hanukkah.

But I heard from other people that jelly donuts are a Hannukah thing for a lot of families. So, I did my best to draw a plate of Sufganiyot, a type of jelly donut. I confess I have never had them and I have no idea if they are recognizable, but I hope so!

I added some mugs, because well, everyone likes hot chocolate or coffee or tea or something hot.

By the way, my favorite challah recipe this is one from Smitten Kitchen. I do not have a favorite jelly donut recipe, because I’ve never made them. Frying things scares me! But cooking stuff in oil is 100% a Hanukkah tradition.

Tomorrow the Hanukkah paper dolls will wrap up. Plus I’ll also share a single download of all 8 pages, which will be easier to print.

BTW: I’ve stuck with the spelling Hanukkah for the holiday, but you can also spell it Chanukah, or several other ways. Hebrew doesn’t transliterate into English very well. The first letter of the word Hanukkah is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet- chet/het – which is pronounced sort of like the “ch” in loch. It’s a guttural sound. Anyway, this is why there’s a lot of different spellings of Hanukkah. None of them are wrong. I just had to chose one, so I chose the one I was seeing the most of.

Hanukkah Paper Dolls: The Sixth Night

A Hanukkah printable paper doll coloring page with nightgowns and a menorah on it.

Download Black and White PDF | The Other Days of the Hanukkah Series

Happy Night six of Hanukkah!

I feel like all dolls need nightgowns, don’t you? I think they’re such a critical part of a paper doll’s wardrobe. Other than that, there’s nothing really Hanukkah related in today’s post, except the menorah. I think I’ll save talking about those until the end of the holiday. I have a plan for that.

Anyway, there’s not a lot to say about this set, so here are some nightgowns for the Hanukkah paper dolls and I hope everyone is still having a warm and wonderful December.

Hannukah Paper Dolls: The Fifth Night

A ballgown coloring page for Hannukah with gelt and a menorah. A very cute hand-drawn Hanukkah paper doll craft for kids.

Download Black and White PDF | The Other Days of the Hanukkah Series

And on the fifth night of Hanukkah, we have gelt and party dresses which seem like they should be part of any Hanukkah themed paper doll.

So, you might recall that last night, I talked about gifts. Well, gifts are very much a USA thing. In a lot of world and for a long time, money was traditionally given to the children during Hanukkah- usually in the form of coins. I still remember getting a silver dollar on Hanukkah more than one year. Those coins are called gelt, a Yiddish word for money.

Today, that money is usually chocolate coins, but still fun. Maybe more fun, because who really wants a handful of quarters? I try to buy gelt when I see it in stores.

Both of these party dresses were inspired by dresses from the 1830s. This dress to be specific. I love the fashion from the 1830s. It’s such a very not restrained period in women’s clothing.

Hanukkah Paper Dolls: The Fourth Night

Download Black and White PDF | The Other Days of the Hanukkah Series

It’s the fourth night of Hanukkah, so that seems an appropriate time to finally talk about latkes. I’ll openly confess that drawing latkes is not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. But I couldn’t imagine drawing paper dolls and not including a frying pan with latkes in it, plus aprons because they do splatter a lot when cooking.

A latke is a potato fritter from Ashkenazi Jewish cuisine that is traditionally prepared to celebrate Hanukkah. I grew up eating latkes. Jewish traditions are not monolithic, so there are lots of different foods. The one thing that is similar to almost all Hanukkah foods is that they are usually cooked in oil, because the original miracle involved oil.

I don’t know or have enough experience with Sephardim or Mizrahim foods to speak about them at all (or attempt to draw them), but I do like latkes. Some people eat them with apple sauce, but I’ve always been more of a sour cream person.

Here’s a recipe for latkes which is super close to my recipe, especially the part about adding the potato starch back into the mixture to help it crisp.

And that’s all for night four of our Hanukkah paper doll.