Unless, I am suffering from some sort of delusion (which is totally possible) I seem to recall someone asking for a redheaded Marisole. I originally just kept the dusky skin tone I usually use and gave her redhead, but it clashed and looked really bad, so I decided I better change her skintone too. I’ve had a thing for redheads ever sense I saw Anne of Green Gables on television.

{Click Here for a PDF to Print} {Click Here for a PNG to Print} {Click Here for the rest of this series}
Sometimes, I can’t think of anything funny, witting or really happy to write here. I’m having a rough month. Still, there are always pretty paper dolls.
Oh, and this is one of those paper dolls that the websave photoshop feature kinda messed up the color. I do recommend downloading the pdf to get the full bright tones. I need to figure out a way around that… But not tonight.
Edit 1/6/2014: Get a colorable version of this paper doll to print here.
I remember someone saying it. I’m glad you did it, she looks great. Her clothes look really nice too. I was just curious if the red small thing under the necklace is a bracelet or maybe a hair-bow?
Well, I was thinking bracelet, but do what you like with it. 🙂
Yeah you a great artist